About Us

 Fedesco was born in a remote village in Liberia during the civil conflicts to an uneducated and impoverished family that struggled to provide a daily meal. While other children attended primary school in the city, Fedesco and his siblings worked alongside their mother on the farm and sold goods on the streets to sustain themselves. It wasn’t until he was seven (7) years old that he could step into a classroom for the first time. Later, while selling bananas and other rural products near a bridge where cars stopped, Fedesco was fortunate enough to be adopted from the village and taken to the city, where his education continued in an orphanage home. The first picture of the world introduced to him as a child was of struggles, violence, and anarchy. While parents in other parts of the world were helping their children to assess primary education peacefully, in the late 90s and early 2000s, somewhere in Liberia, West Africa, his mother was helping him and his siblings to jump over dead bodies and dodge bullets so that at least they could stay alive. Fedesco spent his entire childhood running away from bombs and bullets. His biological father’s life and the Liberian civil war ended about the same year. At a very young age, He narrowly escaped death and spent much of his youth in the refugee and displaced camps. Fedesco recalls an experience at one of the refugee schools when he was privileged to meet some American missionaries who had come to provide food and clothing to refugees. Fedesco developed a passion for giving back to society from this experience with the missionaries. He vows to help people and the community if he makes it through those horrible childhood struggles. By the Special grace of God, through humanitarian and institutional assistance, Fedesco continued his education up to his master’s degree. He currently lives and works in the United States as a Senior IT-System Administrator in Massachusetts.

The Fedesco Charity Foundation is a registered nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America. We are a team of determined and passionate minds eager to help solve some of the fundamental challenges families and children encounter in Liberia, west Africa, especially regarding primary education, vocational training, and scholarship opportunity, and gradually expand our charitable assistance across third-world countries in Africa. We strongly believe that many young people will only realize their full potential if someone stands up to inspire, encourage, challenge, and help them with skills training, meaningful life examples, and building competence in literacy.

A. Fedesco Cisco Tolbert, MSc

Founder/ President, Fedesco Charity Foundation

What we stand for

we believe in the power of unity, compassion, and collective action